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Expedition to Siberia 2021



Healing the body and spirit. 



Due to the situation in the world related to the Covid-19 virus, the trip to Siberia with Luczis 2020 did not take place. We really hope to make it this year.


That is why we already invite you to the 2021 journey, during which you will have the opportunity to experience a deep, personal transformation.




In addition to traveling around beautiful Siberia, there will be Luczis workshops and meetings with interesting - spiritual people living in these distant areas of Russia.


The main theme of the upcoming expedition will be HEALING in its broad sense, therefore our trip plan is as follows:



  • visiting Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and places of power in Buryatia

  • visiting the Center of Buddhism in Russia - Ivolginsky Dacan, Hambo Lama Itiegelova (an enlightened Buddhist monk whose body has not decomposed for over 80 years) and visiting places related to his life

  • camping on the shore of Lake Baikal

  • expedition to the Olkhon: visiting the Shaman Rock (place of power of shamans, the mighty portal of the Earth)

  • participation in Luczis' workshops "Healing and rejuvenation according to Old Slavonic practices" and during them:

  • looking for the primary causes of your life failures, diseases and malaise

  • learning about the rituals of resolving and working off negative connections with other people

  • learning to turn on a healing program

  • learning the practical methods of working with your sexual energy so that you can use it to heal yourself and your partner

  • participation in body and spirit cleansing practices:

  • daily, joint meditation, yoga, tantric exercises and shavasana

  • "programming", discussing and analyzing dreams

  • fasting

  • Shankh Prakshalan (cleansing the intestines with water)

  • burying yourself underground to work with your fears and phobias

  • baths in healing springs

  • meetings with interesting, spiritual people (Lama, Shaman, Healer)




We want every person going on an expedition to know Luczis's teachings beforehand and to participate in at least one of his workshops. If you plan to take a person who has not participated in Luczis' classes with you, please contact the organizer of the expedition in advance - we will certainly help her prepare for the trip.





(details coming soon)

If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail:



Важное сообщение:

1. Состоится ли поездка в этом году, будет зависеть от глобальной ситуации, связанной с вирусом Covid-19, поскольку основная часть группы – иностранцы.

2. Пожалуйста, не покупайте авиабилеты, пока не получите полное подтверждение участия.

(*) Окончательная цена поездки будет объявлена ​​в ближайшее время.

Photo gallery from the expeditions

Love Of Life

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